2021 Alliance for Global Inclusion Index

A public index increases transparency, which builds trust, drives collective action, and scales impact.


Diverse teams and inclusive cultures drive innovation. Strong diversity and inclusion (D&I) policy ensures that industries are committed to building a better world for the workforce, partners, suppliers, and communities.

The goal of the Diversity & Inclusion Index is to learn about current D&I practices and identify opportunities to potentially improve D&I outcomes across industries.

Why an Index?

A public index increases transparency, which builds trust, drives collective action, and scales impact.

Why now?

Companies are enabling the "next normal" for all industries, and now is the moment to build a future of business that is more diverse, inclusive, and just.

How to use the index

The index allows you to explore:

  • Characteristics of participating companies
  • Data on practices that companies are using to promote diversity and inclusion
  • Representation of gender, race, and ethnicity from participating companies
  • Messaging from a convening of Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers across industries
Data was collected via survey. Data on D&I practices is current as of Summer 2020 - Spring 2021. Data on representation is current as of 2018-2021.

Executive Summary

Most frequently delivered practices

Thirteen companies participated in the Diversity & Inclusion Index survey. The most frequently performed D&I practices across participants are related to public reporting of gender pay equity metrics and hiring bias mitigation training.

D&I Practice Number of companies that implemented practice
Public reporting of racial pay equity metrics as part of annual D&I reporting within the past five years 8
Training on bias mitigation for hiring managers, recruiters, and other points of contact before interviewing candidates for open roles 8
Training for people managers on how to have effective conversations with employees on inclusion-related topics 7
Consideration of contributions to inclusion councils, ERGs, or other employee advocacy organizations during performance evaluations and promotion decisions 7
Formal initiative to encourage non-URM employees to embody inclusive behavior 7
Formal program for youth educational outreach and/or technology access to benefit diverse student populations 7

Most Successful Practices

Thirteen companies participated in the Diversity & Inclusion Index survey. More than 66% or more of companies that implement the following practices consider the practice to be highly successful or somewhat successful.

D&I Practice % Successful Number of companies that implemented practice
Formal process to ensure product design is inclusive of differing cultural backgrounds and abilities 100% 1
Formal mechanism to track inclusion sentiment across different functional workforces 83% 6
Formal initiative to encourage non-URM employees to embody inclusive behavior 71% 7
Formal program for youth educational outreach and/or technology access to benefit diverse student populations 71% 7
Public reporting of racial pay equity metrics as part of annual D&I reporting within the past five years 66% 3
Formal feedback mechanism to voice inclusion-related concerns 66% 6

Percent successful refers to the percent of companies who have implemented the practice who state that the practice has been highly successful or somewhat successful.

Least Successful Practices

On the other hand, fewer than 29% or fewer of companies who implement the following practices found them to be highly or somewhat successful.

D&I Practice % Successful Number of companies that implemented practice
Formal program to incentivize managers and leaders to maintain a diverse network of mentorship or sponsorship relationships 0% 3
Reward system for individuals demonstrating inclusive behavior 20% 5
Training for people managers on how to have effective conversations with employees on inclusion-related topics 29% 7

Percent successful refers to the percent of companies who have implemented the practice who state that the practice has been highly successful or somewhat successful.

Participant Characteristics

  • 13 companies participated
  • 11 technology companies
  • 1 energy company
  • 1 industrials company
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Workforce Representation

Distribution of employees by gender and race/ethnicity across all respondents who provided sufficient data.

Representation of Women in the U.S. Workforce

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Representation by Race/Ethnicity in the U.S. Workforce

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Global representation of women

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Percent of companies that collect self-reported demographic data

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Company Practices

D&I practices companies perform

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Global differences in D&I practices

Regions in which companies perform D&I practices

Note: Only companies that indicated that they have or perform the practice received this question.

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Tracking and measurement practices

How companies track and measure their D&I practices

Note: Only companies that indicated that they have or perform the practice received this question.

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Success of practices

Whether companies consider their D&I practices to be successful

Note: Only companies that indicated that they have or perform the practice received this question.

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Reasons for discontinuation

One company reported ending the practice of "Rewards for inclusive behavior" but they responded that they were "Unsure why my company ended this practice."

Study Design FAQs

How was the study conducted?

An email was distributed to 38 companies asking them to participate in the study. Each company had a representative, such as their Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer (CDIO) or equivalent, complete the survey. Thirteen responses were received.

When was the survey administered?

The survey was open from June 25, 2020 to April 8, 2021.

What information did the survey ask for?

The survey requested demographic information (e.g., gender and race/ethnicity). In addition, the survey asked companies to provide information regarding company practices on diversity and inclusion practices.

Are there gaps in the data collected?

Data in this index is limited to the responses received and by the completeness of those responses.